School for K - 8th begins at 8:15 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m. for those who do not need early morning care. 

PK3 and PK4 students are also required to arrive by 8:15 a.m.

DISMISSAL TIME for K - 8th Grade: 3:20 p.m. 

Students in Kindergarten - 8th grade may arrive for early morning care at 7 a.m. (held in the cafeteria) and may stay in after school care (also in cafeteria) until 6 p.m. See  Extended Care options 

Drop-off and Pick-Up Locations:

  • Infants - PK4 - Lower/back parking lot - Parents of this age level must come in through triple doors under the carport and sign in/out their child. A BCA staff member will take children to their classroom from the sign-in desk. PK3 and PK4 must be here by 8:15 a.m. during the school year. 
  • Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade: Lower/back parking lot - will use Lane 4 for drop-off
  • 3rd – 8th: Will use parking lot in front of school and come in through main front entrance.

Each Wednesday, kindergarten – 8th graders will be dismissed 30 minutes early to allow for teacher meetings. Please pick up your child by 2:50 p.m. if you are not sending them to after care. 

K - 8th grade students who need after care during this 30-minute period on Wednesdays will not be charged for after-care.

Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 - If your child is enrolled in our Pre-K3 or Pre-K4 program, please have them here by 8:15 as well. Parents may have them here as early as 6:30 a.m., but for those who are dropping off for school hours, students must be in their classroom by 8:15 a.m. Weekly tuition includes the academic portion and any before and after care. 

School closing policy due to inclement weather: As wintry weather becomes a threat each year, we will keep families informed of school closings by email, texts from teachers, posts on our website as well as on our social media pages. We also contact the main local radio and television stations to post closing information. We do not always follow Hamilton County's closing policy, as their decisions are based on student transportation. 

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